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January 2024

Skin treatment

Shona had aggressive skin disease and we treated it in time as can spread to other dogs She looks so healthy after treatment. 


Save The Dogs Team 

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Aug 2020

Dog very sick with acute mal nutrition and skin problems!

This dog was found with very severe skin disease and almost dead with acute mal nutrition. Our ground zero team of dogs lovers gave him medicated soap baths, fed him a diet of chicken-rice-liver and kept him secure while recovering. 

He has completely recovered now (see smaller picture that shows a healthy dog).


Save the Dogs Team


January - February 2021

Beautiful young dog with Eye Tumor Almost healed

This dog had a severe eye tumor with was red and raw and filled the entire left eye. After chemo, and ligation the tumor shrunk and he was able to see again!


Save the Dogs Team


September 2020

Dog with nasal tumor and eye infections

This beautiful dog had a painful nasal tumor and bad eye infections.   Our ground zero team of dog lovers rescued him and took him to a shelter where  the tumor removed and he was given chemo treatment. Such surgeries are very expensive but at VOW no dogs turned away You can help us continue by donating to our cause. 


Save the Dogs Team


February 2022

Dog hit by a car had a deep wound and has fully recovered!

This handsome young dog was hit by a car in Tribeni and the driver didn't stop to help! When our team in India heard about the hit and run they went to Tribeni to rescue the dog and discovered the wound was infected and covered with maggots. 

With extra TLC, regular dressing of the wound and medicine, our young fellow was fully cured and was healthy to roam the streets again! We love it when they fully recover - thank you for supporting us! 


Save the Dogs Team


August 2020

This senior dog had bad eye infection and could have lost his eye sight. 

The poor old dog had severe bacterial infection in his eyes but our team rescued him and after a few days of  washing  eyes with medicated wash and adding Betnesol N drop regularly with cipolax he was pain free and able to roam the streets again. 


Save the Dogs Team

Our Success Stories...

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